Thursday, October 18, 2007

Miracles & The Big Bang

"The big bang is so preposterous," says renowned astronomer Allan
Sandage, co-discoverer of the quasar, "and the chain of events it set off
so unlikely, that it makes most sense when thought of as a 'miracle.'"

"For the sake of argument, let's assume Sandage is right. If the very
beginning of the universe itself was a miracle, then everything in it is
impregnated with the possibility of smaller but equally marvelous miracles."
--Rob Brezsny

Just for today, try to look around, observe your life and everything in it, and notice the
outrageous amount of small miracles.
As I wrote that, the sun suddenly came streaming through my window. Of course, that was just a coincidence, but I certainly welcome the warmth on this brisk fall morning.

Francine Marie-Sheppard

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