Friday, April 04, 2008

New Moon of Powerful Intentions

Here is some info from Claudia at Moonsurfer

This is the dose of go-juice you've been waiting for!

The Aries New Moon is the most powerful New Moon of the year for granting wishes! You've got to go for it...dare to take charge of your life...step out fearlessly and make a fresh start.

So of course, the universe in its infinite wisdom has concocted a tense socko boffo set- up forcing your fears and no-longer-acceptable limitations to the surface, so you'll face and clear them.

The set-up is a 3-way face-off made up of the Sun and Moon in fiery just-do-it Aries, assertive Mars in emotional (re-e-e-ally emotional now) security-oriented Cancer, and expansive Jupiter in responsible achievement-oriented Capricorn.

Mars in Cancer both rules AND squares this New Moon ramping up emotions and general moodiness, then big-thinking Jupiter makes it all...well bigger...and it could have you over-reaching, overextending, or blowing things out of proportion. You may feel these energies absolutely propelling you to take action, but remember to be a bit cautious. You don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water...meaning you want to keep the positive structures in your life as you identify and release old attitudes and limitations.

Part of this tug-of-war energy will stay in play throughout April and this means that improperly expressed emotional energy and selfish egos could be running rampant. However, if you can re-channel the power being usurped by the anger and focus on something really positive and constructive... then what you set into motion now is guaranteed to pay off BIG time as you move on through the year.

If you're feeling driven to upset apple carts and burn bridges willy nilly, remember to slow down...take a beat and reflect on this image. Think of a crossbow with great tension on the string. The Sun and Moon in Aries is your magic arrow and you're a sacred archer. Using your courage and will... really pull back that arrow and let it fly (fueled by the divine fire of spirit) straight through the opposing open airy skies of Libra focusing on balance, harmony, beauty...and peace. Those are the antidotes for these conflicting energies.Welcome peace and of and come out of your head and into your heart.

As it was at the time of the last Libra Full Moon, relationships are once again a major area of release and insight. Treasure those that are working and know that you have cosmic support and opportunities to heal old wounds now.

Those of you with planets in Aries, Libra, Cancer, or Capricorn are especially feeling the call to transform your personal lives and express your potential in new ways. All of you have some areas of your life primed for rebirth and a fresh start.

I always think of Aries as Star Trek energy...the energy of "boldly going where no one has gone before." Also..."to pioneer new worlds". That's what's happening now to you and me and everybody on the planet.

Pluto began a retrograde journey 2 days ago on April 2nd demanding we all take responsibility for the methods we’ve used to deal with limits and resources...both personal and planetary. The whole world has begun a critical time of MAJOR rebalancing...after all 2012 is just around the corner, so EVERYthing's gotta shift. That, of course, begins with you and me.

This New Moon indicates it's time for a real leap of faith...time to reinvent yourself and your life. Give it all some thought and then...make a wish.

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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

lost and found quotes

"You can think of the groundlessness and openness of insecurity as a chance that we're given over and over to choose a fresh alternative.  Things happen to us all the time that open up the space.  This spaciousness, this wide-open, unbiased, unpredjudiced space is inexpressible and fundamentally good and sound.   It's like the sky."  --Pema Chodron,

 "Practicing Peace in Times of War"

"When an old culture is dying, the new is created by a few people who are not afraid of being insecure". --Rudolf Bahro

And here is a poem about where to find security, in the NOW.

Stand still.  The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost.  Wherever you are is called Here, 
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.
The forest breathes. Listen. It answers, 
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.
No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or bush does is lost on you, 
You are surely lost.  Stand still.  The forest knows
Where you are.  You must let it find you.

David Wagoner

This poem by David Wagoner was read by Oprah on one of her class sessions with Eckhart Tolle, that take place every Monday evening right now (spring 08) via her website.  If you haven't already checked out this class with Eckhart Tolle, it's free and fantastic.  When I first heard Oprah and Eckhart were going to do this worldwide free class I felt so joyful that Oprah had chosen to do this.  It's great to see this information discussed and spread around the world.  The classes are available to download and watch at your leisure.

Francine Marie-Sheppard