"Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you can see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open doors for you. I say follow your bliss and don't be afraid, and doors will open where you didn't know they were going to be. If you follow your bliss doors will open for you that wouldn't have opened for anyone else.
--Joseph Campbell
"If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it's not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That's why it's your own path."
--Joseph Campbell
"Path maker-there is no path, we make our path by walking."
--Spanish poet Antonio Machado
Monday, December 31, 2007
Follow Your Bliss
Posted by Francine Marie-Sheppard at 8:51 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Here is some great info about the current growth period we are all in and the importance of setting some intentions right now! This is from Claudia's newsletter at www.moonsurfing.com. Go to her website and sign up for her free newsletter if you like the free info she offers below.
Five planets and one asteroid are all gathered in optimistic generous Sagittarius and that's a LOT of fire-power to put under your intentions... joy to the world indeed! This is BIG stuff... and the whole sky seems geared to support you in taking a risk to make your dreams and bigger picture of life come true. (If you've ever thought of buying a lottery ticket... now's the time.)
Here are just some of the gifts this planetary line-up brings...
Juno (relationships based on shared beliefs get new life), Mercury (enthusiastic thoughts and words), Sun (spiritual expansion), Moon (reach for it) Jupiter (wisdom, joy and whatEVER you focus on increasing and expanding), and Pluto (power and all its trappings) are ALL in Sagittarius telling you to take a risk... any efforts to leave the limitations of the past behind will be well-rewarded.
This is a multi-layered multi-leveled lunation... I have too much to say... too much universe to cover... so I'm going to try to put some of the huge news in a nutshell. I don't really think you can put evolution in a nutshell, but that's what this New Moon is really calling you to do... evolve.
The energetic build-up you've been feeling will be peaking just two days following this New Moon, two giants energetically speaking... don't tell me Pluto is a "dwarf" planet. Jupiter (good fortune) and Pluto (wealth and power) (also, death and rebirth) have a rare rendezvous. They last met in Scorpio on December 2, 1994, but they haven't met in Sagittarius since 1758!
To give you an idea of the power this pairing of planets can foretell...two financial giants... Bill Gates and Warren Buffett... had these two heavyweight planets united when they were born, so financial expansiveness marks their whole lives. However... you've got a personal window into this kind of expansion now... in all the ways in which you define wealth. Your imagination and your belief in what's possible are your only limitations.
By the way... giant Jupiter is about spiritual expansion and Pluto is transpersonal... meaning that it deals with collective evolution, so notice that both of these men are huge philanthropists. Likewise, your successful vision and each step you take to realize your big vision must be dedicated to the highest good of all concerned.
Look at the giant seed ideas you're planting now as a rose that will blossom over the next 13 years wih care and cultivation. Remember... whatever seed you plant now has greatness in it.
To add another higher greater momentous evolutionary layer... this meeting is closely aligned with the Galactic Center... considered the Sun of our Sun... the central point in our Milky Way galaxy. (Some also call it "the great attractor".) Exactly what this means is debated, but not really known. What IS known is that it's the center, it emits an enormously high level of energy, AND it represents a primary source of awakening and enlightenment. Remember, these energies are peaking now, but the effects will be very present through the first part of January. You are at a vital stage of evolutionary development... so get excited!
Yes, it's quite a super-charged wind-up to this "9" year... and to a whole 9-year cycle! Next year will be a "1" year, so the push to dump the old is happening to everybody and old beliefs and familiar patterns could be real bones of contention. This New Moon shows you where you still protect immature emotional needs and old ways of being... it's now time to overcome those old fears and grow up.
With such enormous energy and potential being beamed from the center of our universe, you could feel really scattered. Focusing your energy positively and constructively is super-important. Deep full breathing and connecting with spirit as nature are big keys.
Faith is your biggest ally now, so keep opening your mind and heart to become the powerful being you're intended to be. You mustn't let yourself get side-tracked...you'll find your lunar journaling process to be more indispensable than ever.
A whole cycle of shifts and changes continues to keep the volume turned up on your growth and possibilities. Jupiter moves into Capricorn, the lunar nodes change signs, Saturn backs up, the seasons change...and that's just a sample. I won't be writing a Full Moon ezine this month, but not-to-worry... our Sagittarius Lunar Journal gives you all the insider information you need regarding every cosmic happening, including an eclipse check-up, so you'll definitely have a handle on what's happening and how to use this exciting energy.
This is a super special New Moon for you Sagittarians, but Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Cancer and Aquarius energies are also receiving special attention. That means that everyone has the opportunity to work the high side of this amazing energy...it's all a matter of focus. What a perfect time to empower yourself with a personal reading! It's also a wonderful gift of insight to give those special friends and someones on your holiday list.
The road is rising to meet you, but if you feel stuck, or have been ignoring all the signals, avoiding the challenges and gateways this year has brought, then this could be a real tense time. This time may seem more overwhelming than usual (wasn't it Charlie Brown who said... "There's nothing so terrifying as the burden of a great potential."?) Remember..."Every sixty seconds you spend angry, upset, or mad, is a full minute of happiness you'll never get back."
Ritual is a truly powerful way to focus your energies now. Enjoy gathering some of the ritual tools listed in your lunar journal and allow your imagination and your feelization to soar, because your potential for manifestation is huge.
Earlier in this ezine, I mentioned the planetary alignment with the "great attractor". This means that your intentions can have enormous magnetism. As always, gratitude and a generous spirit gets your magnetic mojo working BIG time with those big intentions.
Posted by Francine Marie-Sheppard at 6:32 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
Gods Cofffee
God's Coffee
A group of alumni, all highly established in their respective careers, got together for a visit with their old university professor. The conversation soon turned to complaints about the endless stress of work and life in general. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went into the kitchen and soon returned with a large pot of coffee and an eclectic assortment of cups: Porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal - some plain, some expensive, some quite exquisite. Quietly he told them to help themselves to some fresh coffee.
When each of his former students had a cup of coffee in hand, the old professor quietly cleared his throat and began to patiently address the small gathering. "You may have noticed that all of the nicer looking cups were taken up first, leaving behind the plainer and cheaper ones. While it is only natural for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is actually the source of much of your stress-related problems."
He continued.. "Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In fact, the cup merely disguises or dresses up what we drink. What each of you really wanted was coffee, not a cup, but you instinctively went for the best cups. Then you began eyeing each other's cups..."
"Now consider this: Life is coffee - Jobs, money and position in society are merely cups. They are just tools to shape and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not truly define nor change the quality of the Life we live, often by concentration only on the cup we fail to enjoy the coffee that God has provided us. God brews the coffee, but he does not supply the cups. Enjoy your coffee!"
The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.. So please remember: LIVE SIMPLY, LOVE GENEROUSLY, CARE DEEPLY, SPEAK KINDLY, LEAVE THE REST TO GOD. And remember -- the richest person is not the one who has the most, but the one who needs the least.
Posted by Francine Marie-Sheppard at 6:09 PM 0 comments